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Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication

Helsingin yliopisto, paikassa Helsinki
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Separate application period (2.–16.1.2025)
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Separate application period (2.–16.1.2025)

Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication

Global Politics and Communication (GPC) is an interdisciplinary and innovative Master’s degree programme that addresses the key challenges of globalisation from the perspective of media and communication studies, organisation research and global political economy. The programme emphasises developing your critical thinking, a necessary skill in many careers.

The specific objectives of the programme include:

  • Providing you with advanced knowledge of global political economy, relationships between the media and the development of democracy, and linkages between governance, organisations and communication, depending on which track you select
  • Empowering you to assess how politics and the media are linked to the forces of globalisation
  • Equipping you with conceptual understanding and the theoretical and methodological skills needed to carry out original and relevant research on key societal issues
  • Preparing you to engage in public discussions and develop critical reasoning and argumentation skills that are equally important in academia, public organisations and the private sector

Study tracks are:

  • Governance, Organisations and Communication
  • Media and Democracy
  • Global Political Economy

Our study tracks answer the following questions: How do global transformations affect democratic politics? What is the role of the media in the transformation of contemporary democracies? Why do economic activities result in global and national financial crises and inequality instead of in stability and democratisation? How does governance affect organisations and communication, and how do governance and organisations structure communication and political and economic activity?

The Global Politics and Communication programme offers a cutting-edge combination of political science, communication studies and global political economy. You will apply ideas, concepts and methodologies to key societal and political issues, such as the changing character of democracy, the role of organisations and governance in the globalising world, and the regulation of global finance and trade.

During the first year, you will study general theoretical and methodological courses and take part in thematic courses offered by the programme’s study tracks. In the second year, you will attend the Master’s seminar and write your Master’s thesis.

Source: Opintopolku


Separate application period.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Social Sciences, Valtiotieteiden maisteri

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Lähiopetus
  • Helsinki
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Separate application period (2.–16.1.2025)
Helsingin yliopisto
Fabianinkatu 33
00014 Helsinki

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