Toxicology, Master of Science
Toxicology is an applied science combining the elements of many scientific disciplines including chemistry, biology, and medicine. The backbone for human toxicological risk assessment and exposure assessment is the understanding of the mechanisms of toxic effects in human body and high quality safety studies of new chemicals.
The curriculum includes common basic studies and courses focusing on toxicology of chemicals including toxicological risk assessment.
The duration of the programme is two academic years and all teaching is given in English.
Programme offers a strong background in classical toxicology as well as in development of new test systems. The students will have comprehensive understanding of different aspects of toxicology including mechanistic basis of toxic reactions and diseases caused by toxic agents to be able to carry out chemical risk assessment.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Separate application for Master's Programmes taught in English. You can apply though joint application at
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science
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Itä-Suomen yliopisto
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