Master of Health Care, Advanced Practice Nursing
The focus is on providing master-level education for experienced nurses who wish to work in clinical care with more varied and demanding responsibilities. This programme prepares you to achieve competencies in several areas such as translating evidence into practice, assessing and managing common health problems, and leading changes to improve quality care outcomes. Our vision is that the advanced level of nursing integrates leadership, education, and research and emphasizes direct advanced clinical care.
If you are looking for more autonomy in your work and eager to develop your competencies in advanced nursing practice – this is the perfect programme for you.
The International Council of Nurses’ recommendations for advanced practice nursing and Finnish Nurse practitioner’s competence areas have served as a basis for the programme planning. You can choose between two options of conducting your studies: a hybrid model of 1.5 – 2-year duration or a fast-track model of 1.5-year duration. The plan is to have five face-to-face study days per semester. Throughout the studies, you will have the opportunity to apply advanced theoretical knowledge into clinical practice. The APN programme is open to both Finnish and non-Finnish residents.
Lähde: Opintopolku
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Master of Health Care
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