Mechatronics | Master of Science in Technology
In the Master’s Programme in Mechatronics, you will learn how to apply both artificial intelligence and conventional methods to control systems of machines and processes, including maintenance, services and programming. You will learn about digital twins and autonomous machine systems and the development and usability of user interfaces.
The core of the Master’s Programme in Mechatronics consists of the theory and practice of mechatronic systems, basics of robotics, programming and control systems, digitalisation and simulation.
The field of mechatronics dives into sensors and actuators needed in mechatronic systems and combines elements of mechanical engineering, electronics, control systems and software and programming. Mechatronics bridges gaps between the disciplines and innovates solutions and applications e.g. in industrial automation, robotics, autonomous vehicles, or other smart machines.
Courses deal with topics such as applied mathematics, fluid power, reliability-based engineering, and digitalisation. Most of them include lectures, exercises, and laboratory work. Many laboratory assignments deal with real-life industry problems, such as automation.
What will you learn in the programme?
During the programme, you will acquire extensive knowledge of the design of mechatronic machines and machine systems, their user interfaces and control systems.
You will acquire:
- competences in areas such as mechatronic system design, applications of control systems in mechatronics, the energy efficiency of alternative drive solutions, robotic system design, theories and practices of digital methods, and tools for different phases of the product life cycle;
- multidisciplinary project work skills for cooperating with experts from different fields of engineering and for understanding the importance of business, energy efficiency, overall sustainability and environmental friendliness. You will participate in theoretical and methodological courses integrated into projects with regional companies and learn to see problems from multiple perspectives and solve them optimally by utilizing mechatronic systems;
- professional skills to develop and design mechatronic systems cost-effectively and sustainably – also on the global industrial scale. You will gain skills in the mathematical modelling and computer simulation of machine systems, programming and IT-technology needed in mechatronic systems, and the simulation of mechatronic machines. You will learn to write efficient, clear, and manageable engineering code using high-level linear algebra software, utilize different reliability-based measures for mechatronic systems, apply tools and techniques for the risk analysis of mechatronic systems, and reduce the failure probability of mechatronic systems;
- a professional network through practical mechatronics system design projects in close collaboration with Finnish and other European companies. You will face and solve real-life cases assigned by industrial companies.
Koulutukseen haetaan maisterihaussa osoitteessa
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Science in Technology
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