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Master's Degree Programme in Technology Law

1,5-2,5 years
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Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
1,5-2,5 years
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
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Master's Degree Programme in Technology Law

Master's Degree Programme in Technology Law

If you want to develop your skills in technology law, this programme is for you!

You will learn along with emerging regulations, resilience skills, ethics as well as CSR and ESG considerations. You will not only be well-versed in the law but also equipped to navigate the ethical and social responsibilities that come with the integration of technology into organisations' practices. 

As a technology law student, you must be very independent and able to develop and research. Therefore, you are expected to have an active and curious attitude as well as readiness to schedule your studies and commit yourself to completing them. 

Study contents

The total extent of the programme is 90 credits, and it consists of core competence (30 credits), complementary competence (30 credits) and thesis (30 credits).

Core competence

  • International Technology Contract Law and Negotiation Skills
  • Intellectual Property Rights and IPR Strategy
  • Privacy, Cyber Resilience and Data Ownership
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Harnessing Artificial Intelligence
  • Consumer Law & Marketing Law
  • Legal Tech

Complementary competence studies will offer you the possibility to extend your professional skills on an area that you find most useful. You can choose your complementary studies from our wide range of courses online or taught on campus.

How to study

This is an online programme with English as the teaching language. Therefore, you may also enrol in the degree programme if you are living abroad. The degree takes on average 1.5–2.5 years to complete; it depends on your own schedule.

The online learning environments support your learning. The study method varies depending on the course. Part of the degree programme involves fully independent study, such as essay writing or working on structured online exercises under the teacher’s guidance, but online meetings and group assignments are also included.

Applicants must have a suitable degree completed at a university or a UAS and at least two years of relevant work experience acquired after graduation. In addition, applicants must have studied at least 30 ECTS law. Work experience must be related to the degree you are applying for or related to the degree you have graduated from. 


Application through joint application at

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Business Administration

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Etätoteutus
  • Verkossa
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)

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