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Master’s Degree Programme in Leading Transformational Change | online studies

1,5-2,5 years
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
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Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
1,5-2,5 years
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
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Master’s Degree Programme in Leading Transformational Change | online studies

Projektityöskentelyä pöydällä

You will learn the role and importance of communication and information transmission in a changing environment. You understand the function and different roles in organizations and networks. Marketing and developing your brand, collaboration between work life actors and developing working life continuously in a changing world are big themes in your studies.

If you want to improve your skills in transformational leadership, this programme is for you! You will learn to manage changing environments, work independently, develop and research. A curious attitude and will to learn as well as ability to manage and commit your own schedule are a huge advantage in this programme.

Study contents

The total extent of the programme is 90 credits, and it consists of core competence (30 credits), complementary competence (30 credits) and thesis (30 credits).

Core competence

  • Internet Economy
  • Brand Mash-Up – Transforming Your Business Through Collaboration
  • Legal Design in Change Management
  • Nudging Transformational Change into Action
  • Digital Marketing
  • Living in a changing world

Complementary competence studies will offer you the possibility to extend your professional skills on an area that you find most useful. You can choose your complementary studies from our wide range of courses online or taught on campus.

How to study

The mandatory core competencies will all be available completely online, provided by Laurea teachers. The study language is English. There are two face-to-face instruction days for the selected students arranged in beginning of studies at Laurea Tikkurila. The degree takes on average 1.5–2.5 years to complete; it depends on your own schedule.

The online learning environments support your learning, and you receive as much support with the studies as you need. The study methods vary depending on the course. Common methods for online studies are online lectures, essays and other writing tasks, exams, online meetings, and group work. Online studies require independent work the most so managing your own schedules is crucial. Still as all our degree programmes, also this one includes also social ways of studying. Applicants must have a suitable degree completed at a university or a UAS and at least two years of relevant work experience acquired after graduation. Work experience must be related to the degree you are applying for or related to the degree you have graduated from.


Application through joint application at

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Business Administration

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Etätoteutus
  • Verkossa
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)

Laurea sosiaalisessa mediassa

Ota yhteyttä

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Ratatie 22
01300 Vantaa


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