Early Language Education for Intercultural Communication, Master of Arts (Education)
The ELEIC programme offers a unique balance between theory and practice. It was designed with the aim to allow each and every student to be exposed to a wide range of learning environments, to get into real contact with children, parents, teachers, teacher educators and researchers from all around Joensuu and beyond. This contact can be through teaching, research, visits and observations.
The tasks you get to partake in will harness new competence, you will team teach during two periods of teaching practice, work with international peers, conduct research interviews, learn how to become a teacher-researcher, and stretch your educational muscles both as a teacher and as a learner. All while being immersed in an intercultural environment yourself with course mates from all over the world, each with their own distinct perspective.
An added value is that you will have the independence and agency to build your own personal study plan. In addition to the obligatory courses, you get to choose from all that UEF has to offer, to tailor your learning to your own unique career path as an educator.
The ELEIC programme is a steppingstone, offering you a strong and stable basis on which to stand whether your path leads to teaching, research, or administration.
Source: Opintopolku
Separate application for Master's Programmes taught in English. You can apply though joint application at studyinfo.fi.
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Arts
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