Vocational Qualification in Tourism Industry

OSAO is offering a study programme in tourism industry delivered completely in English. After graduation you will be qualified to work in various tasks in the tourism sector in international environments.
After graduation you will be qualified to work in various tasks in the tourism sector, customer service tasks in sales, accommodation and implementation of tourism services in the tourism sector. You are able to service both Finnish and foreign customers in a customer-oriented manner. You can utilize good interaction skills, language proficiency and knowledge of cultures.
Structure of studies
Scope of qualification is 180 competence points (cp)
Compulsory vocational units, 40 cp
- Customer service in the tourism industry, compulsory unit, 40 cp
Optional vocational units, 75 credit points
Each unit is credited between 15-30 credit points
- Cleaning services for hotel and accommodation facilities
- Customer service at a hotel
- Working in wellbeing tourism
- Meeting services
- Accommodation services
- Working in a tourist resort
- Marketing communications in tourism services
- Producsation of tourism services
- Sales and brokering of tourism activities
- Working in event tourism
- Organising tourism activities
- Customer service and sales at a restaurant
- Planning and producing virtual guidance
Common units, 35 credit points
- Communication and interaction competence
- Skills in mathematics and natural sciences
- Societal and working life competence
Form of studies
The study is carried out as full-time education in accordance with the personal competence development plan. It is not possible to complete the studies as online studies. Teaching and guidance is provided as face-to-face, online and distance learning (Teams). Studies also include independent study.
Employment and opportunities for further studies
The course of study provides you with vocational as well as language skills that are an advantage when working in international tourism environments.
Vocational qualification gives students eligibility for further education in universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland.
Seuraavat toteutukset
Rolling admission is aimed especially at upper secondary school graduates and those who are changing career direction and already have some previous studies or work experience. Applicants with upper secondary or higher level qualifications completed abroad are also suitable for the programme if their Finnish language skills are not sufficient for Finnish-language vocational education (matkailualan perustutkinto). The studies require both good English language skills and good study skills.
Who can apply
Basic entrance requirements for studying Vocational Qualification in Tourism:
- Completed Finnish comprehensive school or other basic education (approximately nine years, age 7-16)
- Good written and oral command in the English language
Applicants from outside Finland
- The education is targeted at Finns, citizens of the EU/ETA countries and applicants possessing a valid residence permit in the EU.
If you are a non-EU/ETA citizen, please note
- residence permit must be valid at the time of submitting the application and also at the beginning of the studies
- residence permit MUST be attached to the application, applications without an attached valid residence permit will not be processed.
Foreign applicants under 18 years old must have a legal guardian living in the Oulu area.
Vocational Qualification in Tourism Industry
There are no tuition fee but, you must have an own laptop and you buy the books yourself.
Ota yhteyttä
Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO mahdollistaa ammatillisen kasvun, työelämäosaamisen ja jatkuvan oppimisen. Meillä on ammatillisen koulutuksen kaikki alat ja koko elinkaari – kaikille ikäryhmille. Opiskele ammatti, kehitä osaamistasi tai siirry uudelle alalle. Olemme avoinna hakijoille läpi vuoden. Opiskelijoita 8 500 Mitattu opiskelijatyytyväisyys 4,3 /...
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