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Master's Degree in Game Business Management | Master of Business Administration | part-time studies | YAMK

Joint application
Joint application
2 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
Joint application
Joint application
2 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)
Delivery method
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Master's Degree in Game Business Management | Master of Business Administration | part-time studies | YAMK

Master's Degree in Game Business Management | Master of Business Administration | part-time studies | YAMK

The new Master´s Degree in Game Business Management is aimed at persons working or seeking employment in growth and internationalization-oriented game development organizations, and staff of organizations that already engage in international operations. The degree’s learning objectives and contents focus on management and leadership, research and development methods, global economic issues, international game business and game development project management.

Contents and Impementation

The degree is a Master’s level (second-cycle) qualification of 90 credits in total. It takes approximately two years to complete as it is a part-time programme. The degree consists of blended studies accomplished while working. All of the course assignments and the research based development assignment (Master’s thesis) are completed on behalf of the organisation that has commissioned them.

The Master´s degree  consists of online lectures, e-learning, independent learning, group work, discussions and assignments. Each semester will start with an intensive week online and the studies will be completed fully via e-learning environments (online, distance learning). Please note that the studies do not require full-time attendance in Finland therefore the students are advised to apply only for a short-term visa (if applicable) for the possible intensive weeks.

The online lectures are delivered every or every second week, max. one evening per week. The assignments for each study module are based on a theoretical framework which is then applied to develop the practices and activities of your work place / organization. A part of the studies will be completed in collaboration with our international partner universities, either in Kajaani or abroad.


Application period for studies starting in autumn 2025 is 8.1.-22.1.2025.

You can apply to study in this Master's degree if you have

  • completed a suitable bachelor’s level degree (such as BBA in business information technology, game development, game design or similar, BA in game design, game art etc.) or other similar higher education degree
  • a minimum of two years (24 months) of work experience after the completion of the Bachelor’s degree
  • sufficient English language skills are also required for degree programmes conducted in English.

The admission takes place in

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Business Administration, Game Business Management

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2025

  • Etätoteutus
  • Verkossa
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: January joint application (8.–22.1.2025)

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Haluatko tietää lisää koulutuksesta Master's Degree in Game Business Management | Master of Business Administration | part-time studies | YAMK? Täytä yhteystietosi, niin oppilaitos ottaa sinuun yhteyttä.

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Ketunpolku 3 (PL 52)
87101 Kajaani

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