Joint Degree Programme in AI for Business Transformation | Master of Business Administration | on-site & online

AI for Business Transformation is a two-year, 120 ECTS joint degree Master program coordinated by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and offered jointly with other Ulysseus European University alliance member institutions: the Management Center Innsbruck, the Technical University of Košice, Université Côte d’Azur, University of Genova, and University of Seville.
UlysseusAI offers an extraordinary Joint Master degree in Artificial Intelligence and business. This full-time 120 ECTS program, crafted by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Ulysseus European University Alliance partners, spans across Europe, offering students a borderless educational experience rich in cultural diversity with study semesters at least in three different European universities and countries.
A Degree Without Borders: UlysseusAI is your gateway to global careers. Earn a European Joint Master Degree from three European universities: Haaga-Helia (Finland), Management Center Innsbruck (Austria) and the University of Seville (Spain).
Authentic International Academic Journey: Begin your studies at Haaga-Helia in Finland, exploring AI in business. Advance to Management Center Innsbruck, Austria to deepen your knowledge in AI for Business. Choose your specialization in the third semester: AI methods at Technical University of Košice, Slovakia, or a transdisciplinary approach at the University of Seville, Spain. Cap off your journey with a potentially industry-commissioned Master's thesis, with options for integrated internships at various locations. The fourth semester covering transversal skills can be conducted from any of the above mentioned universities.
Career Horizons: Graduates are poised for leadership roles, equipped for large-scale AI projects, innovation, and shaping AI discourse. Benefit from our industry ties, preparing you for roles like AI Business Consultant, AI Strategy Architect, AI Designer and more.
Co-Created Excellence: This unique program combines university and applied sciences expertise, blending theoretical and practical knowledge. Experience a pedagogically rich curriculum interlacing research, innovation, and applied knowledge.
Join the UlysseusAI Legacy: Be more than a graduate; be a change catalyst. Our interdisciplinary curriculum and international mobility semesters not only prepare you for the job market but also to lead and transform it.
The admission takes place on
Pasila (Helsinki), Innsbruck (Austria), Seville (Spain) & Košice (Slovakia)
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Business Administration
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