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Master’s Degree Programme in Osteopathy | Master of Health Care (YAMK)

Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu, paikassa Helsinki
2 vuotta
2 vuotta
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Master’s Degree Programme in Osteopathy | Master of Health Care (YAMK)

What Will You Study?

The programme will focus on the following:

  • Clinical aspect: exploring explanations for osteopathic treatment effects within an evidence informed and critical thinking perspective, and advanced practitioner skills
  • Research aspect: building a constructive forum for open inquiry, discussion and development through expanding knowledge on research methods and skills and creating a master’s thesis
  • Service and management aspect: developing an integrated, safe, person-centred approach to osteopathic service as a whole including skills in leadership, management and service design

At a time when person-centred health care is a central tenet of modern day health management, it is important that the osteopathic profession takes its place in contributing in an active and positive manner. The master's programme is designed to enable, support and engage osteopaths in navigating and applying this important movement within health care. This programme recognises and addresses the key competences required by the contemporary osteopath who wants to work within an integrative health care system.

This Master’s Degree Programme in Osteopathy collaborates with the Master’s Degree Programme in Health Business Management. This multidisciplinary approach is a core aspect of the programme. This collaboration encourages and supports communication between healthcare professionals, therefore, raising awareness of osteopathic practice across healthcare in general.

The collaboration is further supported by embedding an evidence informed practice approach throughout the programme. The rationale here is that there is a necessity for the osteopathic profession to reflect upon its theoretical models, and integrate the most recent and relevant research.

In order to meet these goals the programme aims is to build a constructive forum for open inquiry, discussion, and development of novel theoretical constructs. Students will be encouraged to explore, and critically reflect, on explanations for osteopathic treatment effects within an evidence informed perspective. It is expected that students will draw upon evidence from other disciplines.

From the beginning of the programme there is a strong emphasis on developing good competence in research and development. These competences are supported throughout and culminate in a Master's Thesis. This significant piece of work is focused on the interests of the students and is very rewarding part of the programme.

How Will You Study?

The programme is designed to be a distance learning experience, which will include a combination of lectures and collaborative learning online.

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Syksy 2024

  • Monimuotototeutus
  • Helsinki
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Joint application January


Application through joint application system at

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Health Care

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Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
Myllypurontie 1
00920 Helsinki

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