Master’s Degree Programme in Development, Education and International Cooperation
The programme is recommended to anyone interested in the field of development studies and a professional career in international development. Employment prospects are enhanced by the programme's method of linking academic studies with a practical engagement with real-life situations and job market conditions.
The programme's core modules include themes such as development theory, development policy, project management, intercultural communication, education development, and research skills. Emphasis on education makes the programme unique even globally. Indeed, the programme is ideal for education students interested in the field of international development, and for social science students interested in global education.
The Master’s Degree Programme in Development, Education and International Cooperation seeks to provide students with tools for functioning creatively and effectively in the world of international development cooperation, with a specific focus on development and education.
The students will learn both intellectual tools and practical skills, with which to encounter multi-faceted and contradictory phenomena in the field. The programme thereby broadens and deepens students’ understanding of international development institutions, policies, and actors from a critical, reflexive and interdisciplinary perspective.
Lähde: Opintopolku
Joint application through
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Social Sciences/Master of Arts (Education)
Seuraavat toteutukset
Opiskelijaystävällinen Jyväskylä
Jyväskylän yliopisto on Suomen suurimpia ja monialaisimpia tiedeyliopistoja, jonka avoin ja avarakatseinen yhteisö etsii ja löytää vastauksia tämän päivän ja huomisen kysymyksiin. Meillä voit opiskella yli sataa oppiainetta ja yhdistellä lukuisista vapaavalintaisista opinnoista poikkitieteellisen ja juuri itsesi näköisen yhdistelmän. Olemme...
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