Ammatilliset perustutkinnot

Vocational Qualification in Business | merkonomi

OSAO, paikassa Kaukovainio
Personal study plan
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
2 syyskuuta, 2024 katso lisätiedot
Delivery method
Personal study plan
Study allowances
Eligible for study allowance
Next course start
2 syyskuuta, 2024 katso lisätiedot
Delivery method
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Vocational Qualification in Business | merkonomi

OSAO is offering a study programme in business delivered completely in English. After graduation you will be qualified to work in various business-related jobs such as customer service, sales and marketing communications in international environments.

After graduation you will be qualified to work in various business-related jobs such as customer service, sales and marketing communications in Finland or abroad.

Structure of studies

Vocational units 145 competence points(cp)

Compulsory vocational units (40 cp)

  • Customer Service, 15 cp
  • Operating in a business environment 25 cp

Optional vocational units 105 cp

Common units, 35 competence points

  • Communication and interaction competence
  • Mathematics and science competence
  • Citizenship and working life competence

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

2 syyskuuta, 2024

  • Lähiopetus
  • Kaukovainio


Admission period

Applications are to be submitted directly to OSAO's online application system.

Rolling admission is aimed especially at upper secondary school graduates and those who are changing career direction and already have some previous studies or work experience. Applicants with upper secondary or higher level qualifications completed abroad are also suitable for the programme if their Finnish language skills are not sufficient for Finnish-language vocational education (liiketoiminnan perustutkinto, merkonomi). The studies require both good English language skills and good study skills.

Application period

The application period is 2.4.-31.5.2024. Studies start on 2 September 2024. Planned duration is two years. You will have a personal competence development plan (PCDP). Duration of your studies depends on your prior competence and PCDP.

Basic entrance requirements for studying Vocational qualification in Business:

  • Completed Finnish comprehensive school or other basic education (approximately nine years, age 7-16)
  • Good written and oral command in the English language

Separate admission

Separate admission is for those who have completed basic education and are without completed vocational qualification.

The programme include sInternational Baccalaureate career-related studies (IBCP). Our internationally geared study programme gives you both globally valid working life skills and academically challenging study component that improve s your thinking skills and intercultural understanding.

Separate admission (including IBCP studies) period from 20 February to 19 March 2024.

Kielitaidon arviointi

Good written and oral command in the English language is required.  English skills are tested in the entrance examination or in the interview. Finnish language fluency (level A.1.3 European language framework) will be tested.

Tutkinto / todistus

Vocational Qualification in Business (merkonomi)

Ota yhteyttä

Request information

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90250 Oulu


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