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Master's Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology, Master of Science (Technology)

2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January

Master's Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology, Master of Science (Technology)

The Cyber Security specialisation track gives its students profound and substantial education and expertise in the field of security and technology for networked systems. The focus is on researching cybersecurity technologies for networked systems and applications of the communication-intensive future. The technological topics covered include the security of smart environments, system and network security, security of communication systems and applications, and designing secure systems. Students will explore both technological and theoretical scientific advances in the field and apply them to practice. The graduates will have a strong technological, theoretical, and practical understanding of cyber security. With their new knowledge and skills, the graduates can proceed to build a successful career in securing the information and communication technology industry.

TheRobotics and Autonomous Systems specialisation track educates professionals in various positions in research, development, and design in robotic systems and technologies such as autonomous robots and smart industrial IoT systems. The major prepares its students for challenging tasks from basic robotic operations like perception, mapping, and navigation to the design flow of autonomous and robotic systems. To be successful as an engineer, students will work with real robots during their studies.

The Cryptography specialisation track provides a thorough and profound understanding of the mathematical aspects of cryptography and cyber security. The theoretical studies on mathematics are complemented by courses on the security of networked systems and security management. Hence, the graduates will be able to carry a successful career, for example, as a security expert in the information and communication technology industry. In addition to a career in industry, the graduates also acquire the required abilities to further proceed with their academic career in post-graduate studies and achieve a Ph.D. degree.

The Software Engineering specialisation track trains experts for designing and implementing demanding software systems. The specialisation track covers the entire life-cycle of software projects. In addition to solid programming skills, the students on the track acquire comprehensive knowledge about software design and architectures, agile methodologies in software development, software testing, quality assurance, usability, advanced programming techniques and paradigms, and privacy and security as a part of software implementations. The curriculum is a combination of academic software engineering theory and practices used in modern software development. Software engineering graduates find many employment opportunities regionally, nationally, and internationally in design, implementation, and management positions in software companies and IT departments of industrial organizations and other institutions.

The Data Analytics specialisation track Data and data analytics are the cornerstones of digitalization and artificial intelligence. The need for the effective utilization and communication of data in research, decision-making, and society is growing rapidly, offering diverse career opportunities for those skilled in the field. The focus of our teaching is on understanding and applying the operational principles of the key data analysis methods in practice. Teaching in the field is linked to the current research themes of the Department of Computing, from health technology to computational humanities and from language technology to intelligent systems. After completing a degree in data analytics, you are aware of the main methods of data analysis, their theoretical basis, their possibilities, and their limitations. You will acquire the skills based on the latest research for wide-ranging and responsible expert and management positions in the field of data analysis and more broadly in information technology.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Lähiopetus
  • Turku
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Joint application January


Joint application period for Master's Programmes in English at

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science (Technology)

Turun yliopisto | University of Turku
Yliopistonmäki, Opiskelijakeskus Disco
20014 Turun yliopisto

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