Etsi koulutusta 👉

Further Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services (15 – 150 cp)

Keuda, paikassa Kerava (+1 sijaintia)
Hakuaika: Continuous admission
Hakuaika: Continuous admission
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Further Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services (15 – 150 cp)

Viisi iloista opiskelijaa näyttää peukkua ylöspäin
Apprenticeship training for the cleaning and property services field

Site Facilities Operatives work in institutional cleaning tasks and customer service situations as set out in the service contract of the customer site. They know how to provide maintenance cleaning services and carry out isolation room and equipment maintenance facility cleaning tasks as well as handle and sort wastes.

Depending on their choices, they also know how to plan and implement cleaning services at different customer sites, including

food industry installations special sites hotel and other accommodation facilities shopping centres and store facilities cultural history sites means of transport educational institutions and day-care centres cleanrooms construction cleaning industrial establishments swimming pool and spa facilities. Qualification requirements (

How are the studies like?

We prepare a personal study plan together with you, taking into account your previous education and work experience. Most of the apprenticeship training is conducted at your workplace, but the studies are supported also by learning days (80 % learning on work life with different learning tasks and 20 % school teaching). The learning days are at Haaga Helia -campus in Pasila (Ratapihantie 13, Helsinki).

Keuda is the first vocational school to get permission to provide education in English on Further Vocational Qualification of Cleaning and Property Services. Our style to teach is very practical. We have live contacts, Teams, smaller WA groups, and differed pedagogical teaching methods. Our teachers have long experience and knowledge of our customers’ daily life and needs.

Who can apply?

These studies require that you already work in the cleaning and property services field in Finland, and your employer has agreed to tie an apprenticeship training contract.


With an apprenticeship contract, the training is free of charge.

How to apply?

There is continuous admission to these studies. We will contact you within two weeks after you have filled in the application form. Every applicant participates in an individual interview. After the interview, you will receive information via email within two weeks whether you got accepted to Keuda or not.

Fill in only one application form. You can have only one application valid at a time. It is possible to change the programme you’re applying for by contacting the Admission Services. Write your phone number, email, and home address with care. Please also inform the Admission Services if you want to complement your application or if, for example, your contact information has been changed. To apply for this training, you need a workplace.

Application form

Contact information

Liukolampi Maarit



Kerava, Sarviniitynkatu 9

Keudan Hakeutumispalvelut

+358 9 2738 3700

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Oppisopimuskoulutus
  • Verkossa
  • Hakuaika: Continuous admission

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